Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Requirement #1

How do I pick the very first requirement to post on my blog? There are so many to choose from! I think I am going to skip the obvious ones, like he has to be breathing and can't be a mass murderer. These go without saying.

OK. Here it is. Requirement #1. He has to be attractive. I know this sounds shallow, but it is really important. Don't get me wrong, he doesn't have to be Johnny Depp, nor have I ever dated anyone that was even close to being in the same league as Mr. Depp, but let's be realistic. A guy could have the best personality in the world but if you find him physically repulsive, how can you ever be in an intimate relationship with him?

OK, so maybe I should reword Requirement #1 to say 'He can't be physically repulsive.' Fair enough?

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